Leverage: Human Design for Business 
How to use your unique human design in your business to create more profit, flow and ease. Starting October.

An understanding of your unique human design and how you can actually use it in your business to create more profit, flow and ease. 

Modules with the knowledge you need AND embodiment assignments to help you start living your design 

6 X Live Coaching + Q&A Calls Let's move through what's coming up for you in real time as you learn more about your design, and implementing the material. 

The calls will be recorded in case you can't make it. 

Lifetime Access to the call recordings as well as the module material so you can come back to this information over and over again.

BONUS: Telegram channel with weekly content prompts based on the current transits having your clients say 'how are you saying exactly what I'm feeling?'

BONUS: If you enroll by Sept 15th, you will get a 60-minute private call with Lauren that you can use at any point throughout the six-week program period for strategy or deconditioning.

Hey! I'm Lauren,

I'm your guide on this human design journey and my mission is to help you unlearn everything you think you know about why you don't have the business you want, the clients you crave or the headway you wish you were making in your business… And learn how to actually trust yourself, so that you’re genuinely free from the pressure to be like anyone other than YOU.

The goal here is SUSTAINABILITY. Because you being YOU, that we can rely on.

Lauren xo

Lauren's Human Design for Business program completely changed how I view and operate my business. Before going through the program I was listening to big entrepreneurs and doing what they told me to do, but nothing 100% worked. It wasn't until I understood my human design type and how I am wired that things started to fall into place. By making small changes I started making more money and worked less and felt completely at peace.  


It's literally the most life-changing thing I have done for my business -- AND my life. It made me feel free to be me to the fullest degree by simply unlocking the key to who I am. It opened the doors to allow new 1:1 clients to come in, new group coaching clients and set me on track to make the most money I've ever made in my business.


I feel like I am operating more as myself which feels so liberating! This feels like the shortcut to running my business in an energetically aligned way. It cuts through the bs of what "should be" done.


I've elevated how I view my audience based on who I'm "supposed" to be working with which, thinking long-term, will absolutely affect the programs I create and what price points I'll be able to sell them. I'm able to see myself more as a leader and person with influence... I've been so validated as an entrepreneur, weirdo, and thought leader... in all the best ways 


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Want to add on a private session with Lauren?

Special one-time offer, only $19!

Move through some deconditioning, map out some strategy by design use this for whatever pops up.

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  • Total payment
  • 1xLeverage : Human Design for Business$1497

All prices in USD